Hello world! I'm @Paris, Artchemy's founder. I want to personally welcome our first 100 users, and give you direct, VIP access to me. I want to communicate closely with you and get your feedback, so we make Artchemy something you love, and make it the cultural phenomenon it can be.
Get Early Access
96 spots remain. Get a free token when you join, plus VIP treatment from our founder.
Your membership is already very powerful. From day one, it allows you to create art proposals, rate proposals, comment on proposals, vote comments, reply to comments, upload sketches, rate sketches, comment sketches, set your profile pic and username, and much more. I'm excited to connect with you, build the Artchemy community, and create something we can be proud of!
Founder & Chief Engineer
P.S. Congratulations on being so early! Our first users will earn the status of "Alpha Pioneers", and get permanent, lifetime rewards and perks. More info coming soon, lucky ones!
Once you have a token, go to login.